This page is part of the ÍõÖÐÍõÁùºÏ²ÊÌØÂë College current applicants section, Stage 3. 

This page supports you through the process of choosing, preparing and uploading written work if you have been asked in the subject information to upload work by Monday 4 November (23:59 UK time).

Which subjects require written work?

Written work required

Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic
Architecture (artwork in this case - see separate information)
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Design (artwork in this case - see separate information)
History and Modern Languages
History and Politics
Human, Social, and Political Sciences
Land Economy
Modern and Medieval Languages
Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion


No written work required

Computer Science
History of Art
Natural Sciences Biological
Natural Sciences Physical
Psychological and Behavioural Sciences

Choosing your written work

First please read the information for your subject on the subject information page, and ensure that you follow any specific instructions for choosing written work there. If you are not told otherwise in the subject information, the guidance below should be helpful. 

Where possible, we expect you to choose work that is relevant to the course you're applying for, if you have completed such work during the course of your normal studies.

>> If you are already studying the subject as one of your current subjects at school or college, we would normally expect you to send work from that subject.

>> If you are not already studying the subject that you are applying for directly, then, of course, we will know this. For some of our courses there will be a lot of students who are not studying the subject, so please don't be worried! We are happy to receive work from any of the subjects that you are studying (or studied) at school on topics that are not relevant to your chosen subject. These pieces of work will still be very helpful for us to see.

>> If you are already studying the subject at school but haven't produced any suitable essays to send, then we are happy to receive work from any of the subjects that you are studying (studied) at school. 

The work that you choose to submit must be your own original work and must not have been re-written or corrected for Cambridge.

We would like to see work that has been marked by your usual teacher - you send it with any ticks, comments or annotations by your teacher on it.

The work should have been completed as recently as possible during your normal course of study. If you do not have work from the current academic year, we are happy for you to send work from last year.

You may send work that you completed for coursework, however please ensure that you explain the context on the accompanying cover sheet e.g. what the work was for, how long you were given to complete the work. 

Please choose your work carefully as you won't be able to change the pieces you have submitted after you have uploaded them via the upload tool. We always admire applicants who are very organised about submitting things well in advance of the deadlines, but in this one case be a little careful: although you can submit work any time from when you've submitted your UCAS application until 4 November, if you think you may write some further essays for school this term, you may like to wait a little so that you have the maximum choice of work.

For students in non-English speaking countries

All written work must be in English, except where work is requested in a target language for Modern Languages and joint courses including a Modern Language, of course. 

For international students who don't have essays written in English, please choose essays from those you have already written at school in your own language. Produce your own translations into English, and write an additional 500-word comment (in English) on what you have learned from doing these essays and what the particular challenges were. 

In the pdf you produce, the order should be 
1. Cover sheet
2. 500-word comment
3. Translation of your work in English
4. Original essay in your native language (showing your teacher's marking).

If you are applying in a gap year

If you are taking a gap year, we would like you to send work from your final year at school or college. We do not want you to write new essays - we are looking for school work.

How long should the essay(s) be?

For some subjects, a word limit is prescribed in the subject information. In cases where no word limit has been prescribed, we advise that where work exceeds 2,500 words, we do not guarantee that interviewers will have read the full piece. When choosing work, please bear in mind that we are looking for quality rather than quantity. 

The format and cover sheet

Written work can be handwritten or typed - as long as it is legible in your pdf, we have no preference.

Please make sure that you have checked the subject information carefully to be sure how many pieces of work you must send and whether there are subject-specific instructions.

You will need a Written Work Cover Sheet as the first page in the pdf of each piece of work. The cover sheet is available to download below:

Written Work Cover Sheet (Word version)

Written Work Cover Sheet (pdf version)

You will then need to make a legible pdf for each piece of work you are uploading (see below).

How to send your written work and cover sheets to Christ's

Please upload your essays and cover sheets as follows - it's very important that you follow these steps carefully:

STEP 1: Please make one pdf file per piece of work. The first page in your pdf should be the cover sheet (see the section above), and your pdf should not be larger than 3MB. If you need help with scanning, we recommend that you ask a friend or relative who has a scanner, ask your school, or use CamScanner (an app which enables you to use your phone as a scanner).

STEP 2: Please save your pdf(s) on a computer with the following file name:

6 - Subject FAMILY NAME First name - Written work number (1,2,etc) - UCAS Personal ID (as a number with no dashes)

Here's an example: for the fictional Ellie Pollard applying for HSPS with UCAS Personal ID 1590172462, the file names would be

6 - HSPS - POLLARD Ellie - Written Work 1 - 1590172462

6 - HSPS - POLLARD Ellie - Written Work 2 - 1590172462

Note that there is a space before and after each hyphen, and that there is a number at the beginning.

If you are applying for MML or History & ML and sending one or more pieces for specific languages, please add the language e.g.

6 - MML - HUGHES Mark - Written Work 1 (French) - 1583264478

STEP 3: Please open each file on your computer. Scroll all the way through, checking that 

  1. all the pages are there
  2. the pages are in order
  3. the first page is the cover sheet
  4. all pages are legible
  5. the file size is not more than 3MB.

STEP 4: Please to send your work to ÍõÖÐÍõÁùºÏ²ÊÌØÂë College Admissions Office, and ensure that you see the screen confirming that your form has been received safely at the end.

Thank you for your help in uploading your written work following our instructions - it helps us to process everything as efficiently and accurately as possible.

Written work deadline

The deadline for uploading your written work is Monday 4 November 2024 (23:59 UK time) although if you're ready, you can send it any time after you have sent your UCAS application as long as it is before the end of 4 November. Please just bear in mind the point above, that you can't change your selection of work once you have uploaded it. Many thanks!

Please keep a copy of your written work pdf(s) and re-read your work before interviews, as reference may be made to your work at interview (this is not guaranteed, however).