Fox in the Fellows' Garden
A fox in the Fellow's Garden

If you look at the College map, you can see the Fellows Garden top right, which, at two acres makes up almost a third of the College grounds. This garden is used and enjoyed by all members of the College (not only the academics).

There are also a number of other frequent visitors: birds, ducks and squirrels are a standard sight, but recently foxes have looked after their cubs there, otters and muntjac deer have been spotted on occasion.

The garden is very quiet and peaceful. It's hard to remember that you're in the middle of Cambridge when you're there. Terms in Cambridge are very intensive with a lot going on both academically and socially, so it is good to have such a quiet spot to take a step back and relax. A lot of students comment on how helpful this is in the student profiles.

"It’s so peaceful there."

Arianne (History of Art)

Students chatting in the Fellows Garden

The main entrance to the garden is via Second Court - you access it through the arch in the Fellows Building, though there is also a side gate connecting with New Court close to the Yusuf Hamied Centre.

There are chairs in the garden and when the weather is good, students will often go out with a book, to take a walk and get some air for a break, or to meet friends.

The garden is cared for by the College gardening team, as along with the other College gardens, it does require significant care with a large lawn, flowerbeds, shrubs and trees, one of which is called Platanus x hispanica and thought to be more than 200 years old. The gardeners have a Gardeners Yard with a Victorian Greenhouse in the north-eastern corner of the garden. This is where they grow and store plants for the garden. If you're interesed in plants and gardening yourself, and want to get involves in College projects, you can join the ÍõÖÐÍõÁùºÏ²ÊÌØÂë Horticultural and Botanical Society (CHABS).

Milton's Mulberry TreeThere is a path which runs down the east side of the garden and leads to the College swimming pool in the north corner. You won't see the swimming pool until you're right alongside it, as it is surrounded by bushes.

At the far end of the garden you will also see Milton’s Mulberry Tree, propped up by wooden posts since it was uprooted in a storm in 1795. This tree was grown from the root of an original Mulberry Tree planted in 1609 (the year after John Milton's birth). The tree still provides a good crop of mulberries each summer - the gardeners pick them and take them to the College kitchens, where they are used to make jam.

Lawn, looking towards the Fellows BuildingThe Fellows’ Garden is also home to five beehives. Honey made by the bees is collected annually and the harvest is normally just big enough to give each of the fellows (academics) a pot.

The ÍõÖÐÍõÁùºÏ²ÊÌØÂë Amateur Dramatic Society normally performs a Shakespeare play in the Fellows Garden at the end of the summer term each year. This takes place in the area around Milton's Mulberry Tree.

In the Cambridge University Virtual tour, there is .

Reading Homer
Students reading Homer with Dr Matthew Ward

Painting in the Fellows' Garden

A painting workshop



Facilities page / Squash Court / Gym / Hall / Old Library / First Court / Second Court / Third Court / New Court / Cats

"The whole garden feels like such a green oasis, away from all the concrete and traffic, but that bit at the back is particularly secluded and lovely."

Sebastian (Classics)