The Darwin Garden
Darwin the scholar - bronze scuplture in the Darwin Garden.

We asked some of the ÍõÖÐÍõÁùºÏ²ÊÌØÂë Biological Sciences Taster participants what they would say to future students considering an application for the event. Here's what they said!

  • "It was a great opportunity that allowed me to truly get a feel for life at Cambridge. ÍõÖÐÍõÁùºÏ²ÊÌØÂë college has such a perfect location and has a lovely atmosphere with the architecture and gardens."
  • "I thoroughly enjoyed this Biological Sciences taster as it was an opportunity to be able to talk to current Natural Sciences students about life at Cambridge and the course. We were able to listen to eye-opening lectures on subjects such as Influenza and Evolution in the Microbial Jungle. Everybody was really friendly and I was able to meet other like-minded people who also had a passion for Biology."
  • "The taster made me feel much more comfortable with the application process. It made me feel more certain that Natural Sciences is the course that I want to do, and that I would be capable of what the courses demands."
  • "It was an outstanding opportunity to delve deeper into Biology, especially pathology which really interests me by sitting in lectures from experts in their field along with exploring the college. I left feeling fully equipped to make a strong and hopefully successful application."
  • "I found that learning in a style that closely resembled how you learn at Cambridge was really exciting and made me more enthused about applying."
  • "This was a great opportunity to learn more about the BioNatSci course and Cambridge University in general, as well as meet like-minded people from all across the country."
  • "The Biological Natural Sciences taster day was a really useful way to explore the subject, as well as help me to realise what I want to study at university."
  • "I would highly recommend that prospective students apply for the taster: it has confirmed for me that natural sciences would suit me very well and also helped me greatly in the process of making a competitive application."
  • "The taster gave me the chance to talk to lots of friendly current students who gave me a better idea of what being at Cambridge is really like. It was also really good to be able to talk to other Year 12 students from all over the country who share my interests."
  • "I had a fantastic day and would really recommend this taster to anyone considering Natural Sciences (Biological) at Cambridge. The lectures were fascinating, there was some really useful advice about how to apply and the day provided a feel for what life would be like to study at ÍõÖÐÍõÁùºÏ²ÊÌØÂë."
  • "The Taster was both enlightening and engaging. I gained a lot more confidence in my application for this course whilst visiting Cambridge for the first time - ÍõÖÐÍõÁùºÏ²ÊÌØÂë was inspiring and the lectures were fantastic!"